MarketWatch 公司是道琼斯公司的全资子公司以将领先新媒体技术和及时市场报道紧密结合著称
MarketWatch, published by Dow JonesCo., tracks the pulse of markets for engaged investors with more than 16 million visitors per month. The site is a leading innovator in business news, personal finance information, real-time commentary and investment tools and data, with dedicated journalists generating hundreds of headlines, stories, videos and market briefs a day from 10 bureaus in the U.S., Europe and Asia. In addition, MarketWatch offers subscription products for investors, including the Hulbert Financial Digest suite of products, Retirement Weekly and ETF Trader. The MarketWatch Radio Network provides radio stations with market-news updates every 30 minutes. MarketWatch is part of The Wall Street Digital Network, which includes WSJ.com, Barrons.com, AllThingsD.com, BigCharts.com and VirtualStockExchange.com.美国道琼斯财经新闻网。