WeFollow网站是有著名的Digg创始人凯文罗斯(Kevin Rose)创办WeFollow界面设计简洁干净
目前用户可以用一张自己的照片和简单介绍制作一个简单的个人页面很多 About.me 用户使用该网站制作个人页面用于电邮签名、个人网站首页等。About.me网站收购了WeFollow
Wefollow started as a Twitter directory in 2009 and has since grown to a community of over 1.3 million users. What makes Wefollow special is that everyone told us their interests when they joined. This means you can search for people by interest and sort them by what we call their Prominence Score. This ranking system lets you quickly discover, follow and learn from the most prominent people around the world.WeFollow:Twitter用户目录搜索网。