据外媒消息报道,B2 Interactive(B2互动)公司已于近日买下了Storage.com网站,包括域名、知识产权以及Self Storage公司正在运行的业务在内。此次交易的财务条款尚未披露。
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Storage.com also allows you to reserve your storage unit directly on our site, making us a true one-stop shop. The reservation process only takes a few short minutes. Simply choose your storage unit and move-in date,Storage网站,http://www.storage.com, and let us handle the rest. Additionally, if you ever have any questions, our storage advocates are just a phone call away.
At Storage.com, we believe that renting self storage isn t about the additional space that it provides, but rather the opportunities that are opened up. Whether a family moves to a new city, a student gets ready to head home for the summer, or an entrepreneur hopes to chase down their dreams, self storage is there to help make it all possible.
B2 Interactive公司在自我存储行业提供在线营销服务已有很长的一段历史,可以追溯到1998年时,其联合创始人Bill Hipsher创立了第一个存储产业在线目录。自2000年以来,Hipsher的合作伙伴,联合创始人布兰登·泰勒一直在为存储行业开发网站,Storage网站包括大型和小型运营商的网站等。