FastCompany,杂志网站,美国FastCompany商业杂志,杂志,杂志用了短短5年时间,就做到了50万份的惊人发行量,作为一个新兴的商业类杂志,《FAST COMPANY》首先自己实现了商业上的成功。
Fast Company magazine创造了一个全球交流的社区来供成员交流,发现新经济的规律、工具和技术。
Fast Company is the worlds leading progressive business media brand, with a unique editorial focus on innovation in technology, ethonomics (ethical economics), leadership, and design. Written for, by, and about the most progressive business leaders, Fast Company and inspire readers and users to think beyond traditional boundaries, lead conversations, and create the future of business.FastCompany杂志。