We don t just invest money; we provide a money plus service. We are building strong, long-term relationships with industry and our partners. We provide practical support for film and TV production; organise networking and events; provide mentoring, information and business advice. We connect and combine local knowledge with national and international reach.
Because there is a damaging inequality of access to these things between London and the rest of the country, talent is wasted, opportunities are lost. We believe London s world position should benefit the whole country.
They generate jobs, profile and value. They drive innovation. We can help raise their ambition further .
Why we do it
Address market failure and raise ambition
What we do
We invest in talented people and their creative ideas, nurturing our richly diverse games, TV, film and digital media industries. From direct investment and soft loans to business mentoring; we champion the best ideas of talented people and their businesses.
2013年1月,创意英格兰英国创意产业发展门户网,http://www.creativeengland.co.uk,英国独立开发商Remode收到Creative England旗下Business Investment Fund基金的10万英镑筹资,这笔资金主要用于支持Remode即将推出的新游戏Burrow的开发。Creative England Business Investment Fund资金主要用于支持“有高速增长潜力,希望在游戏开发中进行改变”的公司。
创意英格兰英国创意产业发展门户网(CreativeEngland)是一个有关于英国创意产业发展的网站,报道英国创新理念,与创意相关的游戏、电视、电影、数字媒体等行业的发展现状和未来趋势,创意英格兰英国创意产业发展门户网该平台是一个非盈利机构,帮助英国 本土长夜得到尽可能多的支持和投资。