Kennedy Center,美国肯尼迪歌剧院,www.kennedy-center.org文化位于首都华盛顿特区波托马科河畔
肯尼迪中心(The Kennedy Center)该建筑由3700吨白色大理石建成它开放于1972年该艺术中心包括了一家歌剧院、两个舞台表演厅、一间实验剧院、一个音乐厅、一个电影院及表演艺术图书馆。
1971年9月8日它拥有三个大剧场:艾森豪威尔剧院 (the Eisenhower Theater在盛大庆典上《纽约时报》头版新闻把这座占地17英亩、耗资7千万美元的宏伟建筑群描绘成一座波托马克河畔音乐、舞蹈和戏剧的大理石神殿。
High-flying fantasy soars once again over the Concert Hall with Cirque de la Symphonie--back by popular demand with the NSO Pops in an all-new program! Acrobats, contortionists, jugglers, strongmen, and more perform astonishing feats uniquely choreographed to the music of Wagner, Saint-Sans, Tchaikovsky, Bernstein, Rossini, Sibelius, and others. As aerialists take flight above the stage, the NSO Pops provide plenty of orchestral suspense, turning the concert into an entertainment extravaganza. Get ready to enjoy your favorite music--and some of the most nail-biting circus acts youve ever seen--in a thrilling spectacle the San Francisco Examiner calls dazzling and elegant if not death-defying!美国肯尼迪表演艺术中心官网。