当用户上传一些照片或者说猎物后打开ICoolHunt网站在这些猎物地图的下方则是最新的、最好的酷品的展示ICoolHunt网站将每天评分最高的猎物称为Top Prey
iCoolhunt is a cross-platform geo-social game that lets its users collaboratively identify and track emerging trends on a global scale.
A proof of concept of iCoolhunt was launched as an iPhone app in the Spring of 2010 by brothers Luca and Alessio Morena. Luca has a PhD in Philosophy, and his research interests range from ontology to the philosophy of society and technology. Alessio is an experienced web designer and the former CEO of a leading Italian web agency. The first version of iCoolhunt has been featured in numerous international media outlets and has been promoted by Apple as a featured app in the Summer of 2010.EGOUZ