StudyMode平台是由Blaine Vess和Chris Nelson 于1999年共同成立的现在StudyMode已经演变成为一款内容分享工具
Gain a competitive advantage in the classroom using StudyMode.coms suite of tools. We help you streamline the learning process and provide the tools necessary to help you excel at any type of school work. Browse our most popular features below.
Our goal is to assist students by providing them with a rich set of academic tools designed to help them learn more effectively. From doing research on an upcoming term paper to studying for final exams (or anything in between), weve got you covered. The library features an extensive collection of model essays and term papers to help you streamline the writing process.
We even have a Citation Tool that will automatically create a bibliography for your essay. If youre more focused on studying at the moment, use our AP or Book Notes for comprehensive summaries and analysis of the subject youre learning. Supplement your classroom learning and boost your grades with help from our powerful site features.国外学生论文资源分享社区。