Sokikom是一家帮助 K12 教师通过游戏调动学生学习积极性的创业公司,通过游戏机制帮助老师激励他们最小的学生去提升他们的数学能力。
Sokikom 的游戏世界里的地图分为不同的板块老师可以给学生自主权就跟打怪升级一样如果系统发现学生不懂某个特定知识点
对于老师来说 ,Sokikom 提供实时报告在这个游戏世界中
As a teacher, it can be challenging to get students excited about math and to differentiate math instruction to reach every student. In the classroom, its also difficult to keep every student on task and engaged all day long.
Sokikom is an online program that uses positive reinforcement, social learning, and personalization to help solve these problems. Its FREE to signup and teachers use it in 2 ways: to engage students and differentiate math instruction in the Common Core and to streamline classroom management. Weve built and continue to improve Sokikom significantly-based on teacherstudent feedback--which we believe is the way classroom products should be built.EGOUZ