Endorse.me:校园学生就业招聘平台是一个致力于学生就业的招聘平台这样学生能够把整个学年找工作的进度实时更新在平台上。所以一个学生的隐私页面上可能会写着:微软的 offer 已拿到、Facebook 的应聘已进入面试阶段、Google 的应聘即将进行笔试。而学生可以选择将所有这些信息开放给自己感兴趣的公司。
Endorse.me 另一点出彩的地方是它的教授推荐信机制。所有教授除了感性地用文字去评价他的学生基于国外教授普遍对于诚信的重视而 Endorse.me 则能利用这些评价去给学生做排名。Ingallinera 认为
目前已有 17 所美国高校在使用而目前使用该平台的企业包括 10gen、Airbnb、Blackstone、Citi、Codecademy、Credit Suisse、 Eventbrite、 General Catalyst、HubSpot、Indiegogo, Mozilla、Pinterest、Rackspace、Salesforce.com、Spotify、Twitter 和 Zaarly 等。
Endorse.me is a platform that allows college job seekers to show any employer confidential information that dramatically strengthens their candidacy and cant be shared publicly - like job offers theyve received from competitors or high praise theyve received from professors.
Today, this confidential information is shared between students and employers offline. For the first time ever, Endorse.me brings all of this invaluable, confidential information online, offering an unprecedented advantage to students in strengthening their candidacy and to employers in identifying and hiring the very best talent before their competitors.EGOUZ