Dropplets 的优秀点不支持无数据库当然大家都喜欢非常漂亮的模版样式
Introducing Dropplets, a fresh platform dedicated to making blogging simple again. With no database, you can install Dropplets in seconds on any server,compose offline using markdown, then simply upload to publish.
Installing Dropplets can be accomplished in about 30 seconds or under. Just download the latest version, extract dropplets.zip, then upload the extracted files to your server. Load your website in any browser and then follow the prompts to finish.
Markdown is a text formatting syntax inspired by plain text. It is extremely simple, memorizable and visually lightweight from a composition standpoint. With Dropplets you can use any text editor to compose your posts offline in markdown format.
Dropplets ships with 1 free template which is activated by default on installation. If youre looking for more, you can purchase any one of the premium templates right from the Dropplets marketplace. Also, if youre a designer/developer, you shouldnt have any issues at all creating your own templates using the default as a guide.
Dropplets is open source and free software licensed under the MIT. If you are a developer and would like to help me make Dropplets better, please do drop by GitHub. Im good at creating concepts like Dropplets, but Im not a developer so Im sure there are several ways we can make Dropplets better together.DropPlets