Terascore 会给老师提供一系列工具而测试结果平台还提供即时的分析工具总的来说
随着在线教育的关注度水涨船高而线下测试的方式Terascore 给老师提供的是一个基于浏览器老师可以通过工具在试题中插入图片、链接、视频等交互性的内容。同时还支持数学方程。
Terascore is being developed by an enthusiastic team of developers and educators.
We have been working together as a team for several years and in the past have built a successful learning management system for a specialized field of healthcare education. With a total of 30+ years of product development experience for the educational market, we decided to once again start with a clean sheet and develop the best tool for online assessment and testing!EGOUZ