1、Auto-Compiling //自动编译功能
Less, sass, coffeescript and haml files are automatically compiled.The new file is placed in the same folder, starting with a dot.
2、Auto-Backup //自动备份功能 creates daily backups for you.Unlimited undo works across sessions and browsers.And of course, you can create custom backups.
3、Auto-Timelog //日志自动记录 records your working time without any extra-effort.Analyse detailed time-logs of your projects.And take a look how much time your co-workers spent.
4、SQLite Manager //sql数据管理
Seamless interaction with your SQLite-Database.Table-editing with a GUI.
5、Collaboration //与其他工具整合
Including simple file-locking for fast iteration.No git-overhead.Organize your project in a markdown-supported Wiki.
6、Security //安全系数高
Three-tier-encryption-system, consisting of industry standard AES256 and RSA.Codev.IT,多平台,在线,代码,编辑器,工具。