BeWiFi,无线WiFi网络互联平台,www.bewifi.es网络以此增强人们的网络带宽。人们的宽带网络并非 100% 的全时使用。如果你能将它们聚合到一起
目前 BeWiFi 实现起来依旧有点麻烦路由器的安装过程也相当复杂
目前 BeWiFi 最大的障碍在于用户是否接受这套想法。它很像早期的 P2P 分享社区所以罗德里格兹说
更多人的加入可以使网络带宽加倍罗德里格兹说在测试 BeWiFi 的过程中比如他们之前曾猜测用户可能会在同一时间大规模地使用网络
目前 Telefonica 在南美 14 个国家拥有超过 2 亿用户庞大的用户基础让 BeWiFi 有可能影响更多用户。如果有更多人加入罗德里格兹对 BeWiFi 很有信心。
BeWifi allows getting spare megas from other users in order to increase the speed of your connection at home.With more speed you will enjoy a movie online without interruptions; you will be able to make video calls or downloading large files.
BeWifi redistributes the network capacity users dont use to offer it to you when you need more.Only the megas people didnt use are redistributed and you always can count on 100% of your connection - besides of the megas that users around are not using.
With BeWifi you will safely enjoy a better connection at home or when roaming.BeWifi routers have two signals - one private and one public - that are strictly separated.BeWiFi