手机验证药品真伪应用工具,国外商业网站,医疗产品大数据平台,商业,在加纳和巴基斯坦等国家,市场上高达 50%的药品是不合格的,这意味着它们包含药品的剂量很低,不足以起到预期效果。据估计,每年约有 70 万人死于假药。从 2009 年 Sproxil 创建并在第一个药瓶上贴上验证标签开始,消费者的反应可谓是立杆见影。7 个月后,用 Sproxil 验证假药的人数已超过两万,而仅两年后,移动产品真实性认证系统已使用了 100 万次。
不同于传统的在药物供应链过程中的防伪努力,Sproxil 的技术将药物验证放到最终消费者手中的移动设备,通过通讯技术来实现。Ashifi Gogo 的常春藤大学工程专业博士的背景使得其掌握如何用短信和基于云的非对称加密和验证技术来完成其设想即简单带有编号的标签以及强大的的后端分析。
The consequences of counterfeit pharmaceuticals result in at least 700,000 deaths per year just from fake TB and antimalarial drugs alone, yet the total fatalities that occur from failure to receive genuine medication are substantially higher. Counterfeiters often focus their efforts on emerging markets, where resources and regulations are more sparse and the consumer has minimal recourse.
Our initial goal: to make sure people got the right medicine. In order to successfully combat counterfeit pharmaceuticals, we needed to ensure that certain factors were in placea reliable security infrastructure, widespread access to consumers, education to facilitate implementation, and overall ease of use. One thing we knew was that mobile phone technology continued to enjoy increasingly high adoption even in emerging markets. So we turned our attention to empowering consumers to use their mobile phones to join the fight against counterfeiting.手机验证药品真伪应用工具。