The result is Nymbler, a unique personal naming assistant. It s an expert system that learns about your taste and helps guide you to new ideas. We hope you ll enjoy exploring this name landscape as much as we do.
Icosystem is a Cambridge, Massachusetts technology company. Their Hunch EngineTM solves the dilemma of searching when you don t really know what you are looking for, but you ll know it when you find it. The Hunch EngineTM is a smart system based on a genetic algorithm. Given information on options and taste, it identifies subtle patterns and makes personalized suggestions.
Our ingredients:
Nymbler is the smart baby name guide that responds to your personal taste. Just choose a few names that appeal to you or let Nymbler offer ideas. Then press Find Names and Nymbler will start using its expert knowledge to brainstorm names tailored to fit your style.
选择性别Boys amp;Girls,点击Find Names将列出可选的名字,查找你喜欢的名字点加号加入到智能分析队列,或者直接填写喜欢的名字,再点击Find Names列出建议的英文名,如此反复尝试看有没中意的名字。直接点击英文名即可看到其使用程度之类的详细信息。