无需代码即可设计网站ui的工具,工具网站,傻瓜式网页设计制作平台,工具,最后用户在完成从设计到 CSS 构架之后,甚至可以在线直接将建好的网页发布,而不需要导出代码到其他发布工具上。
开始的时候,用户可选择现成的几个网页或应用模板,或是自己动手从零开始设计。Webflow 允许设计师通过自由的拖拉拽与 CSS 类互动,而定义它们的过程无需写任何一行代码。
这和很多在线网页编辑公司的思路大相径庭。因为传统上来说,设计师们通常会自己使用 Photoshop 或者 Illustrator 完成设计这一部分,还有一些构架建造的工具,比如 Twitter 的 Bootstrap 或者 Zurb 的 Foundation,剩余的部分便全都外包出去。
Webflow is the easiest way to build fully-custom responsive websites.Every day, we make it our mission to craft insanely great tools that empower creative people to do awesome work.
The designers out there that are tired of bashing their head against a text editor, trying to get their designs work on the web. With Webflow you dont need to know how to code to build fully-custom responsive websites. Its also great for web designers that do know their way around code but want to speed up their workflows.无需代码即可设计网站ui的工具。