档案格式齐全,影像高品质,高解晰影像扫描,图像品质细致清晰,提供及工作途径,使用更方便配合题材内容充分满足设计的多样需求,让您创作更顺手。合法版权,开放使用,创作不受限 影像版权合法使用,广告媒体、平面设计印刷、网页设计、海报、型录、个人、公司简报、创意卡片、名片设计....等,可多方应用,创作自由不受局限。
3DTotal was founded in 1999 as a simple 3D resource website. Over the last decade the site has evolved into one of the premier CG art websites in the world, offering a variety of training products, an inspirational gallery, a free texture library and hundreds of free tutorials on a variety of subjects. We now cater for 1.5 million visitors per month and strive to create a friendly and educational environment that not only helps budding and experienced CG artists alike, but also showcases some of the best computer generated artwork in the world.EGOUZ,国外网站,外国网址导航,国外网站大全。