无需去了解每个人的喜好是什么Cleverbug 正是利用了你的社交数据(目前根据 Facebook 信息)自动生成个性化的生日贺卡由于是根据每个人的社交数据生成除了制作生日贺卡外
目前这款应用需要用你的 Facebook 账号登录除了自动生成外待一切生成完毕后就可以填写寄送的地址它也支持将贺卡的电子版在 Facebook 的信息流里展示
Cleverbug allows you to send printed, personalized birthday cards straight from your mobile phone. We use the power of Facebook to create an entire store of cards for each of your friends, fill them with their Facebook photos, and mail your chosen design to anywhere in the world. Plus, you get your first card free! Cards will normally arrive in less than a week.EGOUZ