FieldaWare,建筑行业工作管理工具,www.fieldaware.com工具以 SaaS 模式为他们提供服务;帮助建筑施工人员通过移动设备来管理相关的事宜。
这些施工组织的有个工作特点就是户外工作较多。FieldAware 会为前线的技师和工人提供移动应用它整套系统可以把施工排期、任务下发、施工监管、施工反馈等等流程都给自动化了。管理层则可在后台的仪表盘上浏览工作数据和报表。在收费方式上 FieldAware 同其他 SaaS 服务类似
We are re-shaping the field service industry! Our made-for-mobile, cloud-based software was designed from the ground up to provide ease of use with incredible flexibilitya combination that enables field service organizations to amaze their customers, astonish the staff and surprise the competition. Our software was architected as a mobile platform, with no incumbent legacy technologies to modify or migrate from.建筑行业移动管理应用。