Twig World网站提供了大量的视频资源,已纪录片的方式来教育和影响学生们的思维、思考和实践能力,让学习拥有自我的思考方式,例如为何地球有四季变化,教科书只是死板的告诉学生,地球有四季变化;而采用视频教育方式,学生可以很直观的了解到地球的四季变化是如何产生的又是如何运行的,学生们会通过自己的思考来理解。
Twig is an award-winning online resource with thousands of tailor-made, short films that bring subjects to life.
Teach with Twig to:
1、Captivate your class
2、Ensure student understanding
3、Explore the world
4、Deliver outstanding lessons
An invaluable and inspiring online resource for teachers, Twig uses engagement and wonder to deliver deep-seated understanding. Using world class film footage, images and written text, Twig offers real-world content to spark enthusiasm in any classroom.
The Twig website provides teachers instant access to thousands of brilliant films and online resources to suit any teacher and any level of student; schools can and do use the Twig resource every single day to deliver outstanding teaching and learning. Download our film list to see the full range of film content.学生课堂教育纪录片资源网。