EGOUZ,国外艺术网站,瑞士苏黎世美术馆,艺术,其中阿尔伯特.贾科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)的油画和雕塑作品值得一看,他的作品是对个体生命内在的情绪和人类悲剧精神的深度展示。其他如霍德勒(Alfred Hodler)和贝克林(Arnold Bouml;cklin)等画家的作品也值得关注。
The library of the Kunsthaus Zrich is a special library for modern art. The collection profile is focused on publications about art from the 19th to the 21st century. The stock of the library includes more than 244000 volumes. Currently the library holds more than 320 subscriptions to journals in art history.EGOUZ,国外网站,外国网址导航,国外网站大全。