Wiosio 非常类似于电视节目时间表。有很多根据类别分组的节目。每个视频流都是一组不长于 15 分钟的节目你不用再到其他地方去寻找视频每个 15 分钟的节目可能是由 YouTube 视频
Wiosio 将自己的频道称为stages举个例子你可以订阅你喜欢的 stage
如果你自己也想当内容管理者当你首次登陆 Wiosio 时你制作的节目获得的投票越多
Woisio 创始人 Mujdat Ayoguz 说道: 一般媒体主要是制造出明星和新闻 相比而言
It offers a TV like easy viewing experience for video, audio and blogs where viewers collectively pick whats on through voting. On Woisio, viewers votes are the only source of credits that publishers spend to take the stage through auctions.
Main navigation tool on Woisio is the TV like Program Guide. It helps people browse through stages organized around geographies and themes. US, US Comedy, US Politics, NYC Music, LA City Life, and SF Tech are a few examples.
Program Guide can be filtered based on different categories and users can also mark stages as favorites for a more personalized experience.视频资源管理平台。