CrowdStrike 由反病毒公司 McAffee 的前 CTO George Kurtz 及前副总裁 Dimitri Alperovitch 创建。其 Falcon 平台是一个基于大数据分析的主动防御平台平台还可以识别恶意软件
CrowdStrike 是新型安全公司的代表之一。这种安全公司的特点是充分利用了复杂的数据分析技术来创建出一个个不可见的数据网眼
CrowdStrike Falcon is a Big Data Active Defense platform focused on raising the adversaries costs and giving the strategic advantage back to defenders. Designed to continuously monitor, share, and mitigate the adversarys Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs), CrowdStrike Falcon provides unmatched real-time detection, attribution, flexible range of response actions, and intelligence dissemination capabilities.服务器安全主动防御系统。