手机端图片分享应用,手机网站,移动端纯图片论坛应用,手机,每排是一个系列,随便点开一张看,左右滑动即可翻页。按住一排照片往右滑,可以拍一张照片补到这一排中。在主页面左下角有个加号,点击可以拍照单开一排。所有这些照片都只是照片,没有名称,没有作者,无法评论或者 Like,有一个,右下角会显示拍摄地点离你多远。pBoard 里的图片排序是根据被点开的次序以及离你所在地的距离等因素来决定的。大家都匿名,也没什么压力,可以随便拍了发。
Worlds first location-based imageboard app.Snap a picture to start a discussion with people around you, or join a discussion by replying to other peoples pictures.Everything is anonymous.
pBoard is a forum of photos. Its the best tool to share photos anonymously with people around you. People start discussionsjoin other peoples discussions on pBoard just like other forums, the only difference is you taking a photo instead of typing out a post. Also everything is anonymous. Its easy, free and FUN.手机端图片分享应用。