web项目开发博客,国外博客网站,康纳邓恩软件项目开发博客,博客,TabCloud 可以解决多台电脑多组标签页不同步的问题。安装扩展后,首先需要登陆 Google 账户。如上图,点击 TabCloud 图标后,会出现当前标签组保存项以及之前保存的标签组。
I am Connor Dunn, a recent Computer Science graduate of the University of Warwick, UK. Currently working as a Software Engineer attrigger.io. I am interested in web development (especially anything javascript related) as well as Android app development (and while at work iOS development). I am currently working on a number of (mostly open source) projects (LinkPush, TabCloud, Pixelatr, among others) some of which you can read about on this blog.web项目开发博客。