在线网站RSS生成订阅工具,工具网站,网站RSS订阅源生成工具,工具,对于很多上班族来说,关注重要网站的通知公告信息是每天上班的必修课,然而很多官方网站并不提供 Feed 源,利用 Feed43 可以为没有 Feed 的网页生成 rss 格式的 Feed 地址,即可解决烦恼。
其中 Item (repeatable) Search Pattern 中填写的 {%} 表示你需要的动态信息代替符 {*} 表示其他任意代码的通配符。
找到分类链接代码,跟采集类似,找到目标网站的通用规则,点击 Extract,再后面经过简单的设置即可完成。
Feed43 engine converts free-form HTML or XML documents to valid RSS feeds by extracting snippets of text or HTML by means of applying search patterns, and then joining these snippets together using output templates to form user-friendly content of feeds items. The principle of extracting specific data from source documents is also known as HTML scraping.
The procedure of setting up a feed is the following:
1、Find a web page with the content that interests you.
2、Create a new feed on our site, which points to that web page.
3、In feed parameters, define search patterns and output templates for this feed, and get the link to your feed.
4、Subscribe to this feed using your favorite feed reader (aggregator).
5、Optionally, protect your feed with password so no one could alter it.
Once the feed is set up, the service works as follows:
1、Your feed reader sends request to our server to download the feed.
2、Feed43, in its turn, downloads the original source URL, processes it, converts to valid RSS feed on the fly, and returns it to feed reader application.
3、Feed reader displays the contents of this feed to you.在线网站RSS生成订阅工具。