个人日志记录手机应用,手机网站,个人数据聚合平台应用,手机,在过去的几个月里,越来越多的社交网络充斥着我们的世界。我也发现我的很多个人数据已被碎片化,分散在很多不同的社交网络中。目前,Step 已经发布了iOS版,而 Android 版正在开发中。
我们只是想帮助用户通过社交媒体记录生活,但并不希望有隐私问题或社会方面的影响:Step 能快速获取用户的生活状态,然后发布到 Twitter 或者 Facebook 上。
STEP is your personal smart journal that makes it easy and fun to record your life flow with simple icon-clicks, and provides aggregated information through your own dashboard. You dont need to think and worry about what should you type. STEP intelligently recommends icons according to your situation. All you need to do is click-click-click to capture and collect various moments in your life. Then STEP will organize and visualize them instantly into your personal dashboard with fancy postings and infographics.个人日志记录手机应用。