技能服务者在上岗之前须提交资格证书复印件技能种类覆盖计算机技能、 教育、美食制作、健康咨询、兴趣爱好和家电维修等类型Helpouts 上的课程有三种计费方式:按分钟计费
目前 Helpouts 仅支持网页版和 Android 移动端Helpouts 的账户与 Google + 的账户共享
Google 表示 Helpouts 将严厉禁止任何成人内容的出现相比平常我们遇到问题时上网搜索或是去视频网站寻找相应的答案视频
但可能对于 Helpouts 真正的实时服务但对于那些有标准解决答案的问题
Real help from real people in real time,Helpouts is a new way to connect people who need help with people who can give help, over live video, anytime, anywhere.
Helpouts isnt available yet, but were currently inviting people with expertise across a number of topics to be able to offer Helpouts when we go liveand to make money sharing their skills and knowledge with the world.在线综合技能交易网。