Textbox.io 是一款云端服务
Textbox.io is a set of powerful tools for Gmail,Yahoo,and Tumblr. In the near future,were looking forward to bringing the awesome Textbox.io writing expernce to more platforms around the web. Happy writing and thanks for checking out Textbox.io.
如果你觉得Gmail 或 Yahoo! 信箱本身的编辑器不那么好用
Textbox.io is a new cloud service that helps you create better content wherever you need to write on the web. Textbox.io is initially launching as a browser extension that enables you to create beautiful emails in Gmail and Yahoo! Mail and articles in Tumblr. Throughout 2013 we will be launching more integrations for email and web publishing systems.
Textbox.io is being incubated by Ephox, a leader in the world of online text editors for more than 10 years. Despite the progress that has been made in online text editing, we were still dissatisfied with current solutions. WIth Textbox.io, we see the ability to leverage HTML5 and cloud technologies to build the most powerful and easy-to-use online text editing solution yet.邮件第三方编辑器工具。