手机APP市场分析报告,国外商业网站,手机应用商店分析平台,商业,Distimo Leaderboard则支持 Amazon App Store、苹果App Store、苹果Mac App Store、黑莓App World、Google Play、诺基亚Ovi Store、三星 Apps、WP7市场,几乎涵盖了Distimo所能支持的所有应用商店。
同时,Distimo还推出了一款可以显示各大平台或应用商店应用排名和趋势的监控平台Distimo Leaderboard。
Distimo was created because the founders were frustrated by the lack of insights into the performance of their apps, and the manual work needed to track the most important metrics. Today, Distimo provides the #1 free app store analytics tool, tracking over 3 billion downloads / quarter for major developers worldwide. Distimo AppIQ is the most accurate source of app data that helps developers and financial services companies to make well informed strategic decisions in the global app market.手机APP市场分析报告,app全球分析。