Time-lapse is a photography technique most commonly used to capture long periods of time. Normal video captures video at a minimum of 24 frames per second. When shooting time-lapse that frequency of frames per given period of time is much lower. When you combine frames captured over a long period of time and view them at the normal rate of 24 frames per second time appears to be moving faster.
2012年,两位摄影师在视频网站Vimeo上相识,并开始策划“优美胜地项目”。他们携带繁重的摄影设备来到了半圆顶(Half Dome)的最高峰,拍摄了从夜晚到早晨整个变幻过程。当他们回忆起那里的美景,不禁感叹仿佛置身于另一个世界里。从那时候起,他们就开始合作并互相鼓励,美地国家公园在线游历网,http://www.projectyose.com,一同记录他们的经历并分享给世人。
YoseMite 项目是由两位电影制片人 Colin Delehanty 和 Sheldon Neill 花了两年时间制作了这一部美得“令人发指”的延时短片,通过视频可以让你游历优胜美地国家公园200公里的美景。