Our own Search-Index
We have our own search-index because this is the only way to be independent from the big American search-engines. We believe that this independence is very important.
Because of the fact that we very much want that independence, we go to great lengths to operate our very own search-index.
To give you search-results that are good without being just the same as everyone elses.
Our own Search-Software
Yes, not only do we have our own search-index, we also developed the software for it by ourselves.
We invested more than a decade of work into this software and we continue to improve it, to handle more Web-pages and to improve the ranking of the search-results.
Your Privacy
We respect your privacy and do not store any identifiable information about our users. We do not store any IP-addresses. We do not build user-profiles from your queries.
All your queries on Acoon use SLL/HTTPS encryption to ensure that there is no eavesdropping by any third-parties.
And as our servers are located in Germany we are (hopefully) far enough away from the NSA that they cannot easily wiretap us.,德国精准搜索引擎。