女摄影师Nisa Maier热爱旅行、摄影并在自己的博客上分享旅行记录,Lets Travel Somewhere是一个以摄影师视角介绍世界各地的旅游网站,按国家分类,每位摄影师用全屏精美图片的方式介绍一个国家,配以简短文字说明,并提供摄影师介绍及网站链接,网站设计简洁。
访问Lets Travel Somewhere网站用户可以欣赏到世界各国的风景,让你足不出户就可以看遍世界各地的旅游景点,想去旅游不妨先去看看哪些景点是你喜欢去的地方。
Lets Travel Somewhere is a project by Nisa Maier. She wants to capture the essence of every country on the planet through stunning photographs and gripping stories. Your help is needed to reach this goal, so if you want to contribute, get in touch with her.
Nisa loves to travel, take photos and share her experiences and inspirations on her blog Cookiesound is travelling. She believes that a single traveller cant live to see it all. Thats why she started to collect and share inspiring photojourneys by striking travel photographers.世界旅游摄影作品欣赏网。