,在这些地图中我们可以看见地下流动的岩浆,操作方式类似于一些经典作品的左手方向右手攻击这种左右手配合的操作模式已经被证明为是暗黑类RPG游戏的标准方式。相对于游戏上方的界面中间还自上而下分布着血量条游戏的角色将会随着消灭敌人的数量增加而获得相应的经验值不过遗憾的是,这些战斗模式分别包括竞技场、计时关、黑暗之门、水晶防御和BOSS战。不同的战斗模式在同一幅地图里我们需要完成不同的任务。这五种模式中竞技场最简单计时关是在消灭固定数量怪物的基础上增加了时间的限制。黑暗之门模式需要我们消灭戒备森严的黑暗之门。水晶防御则需要角色去保卫水晶不受到敌人的攻击。BOSS战顾名思义地图战斗完成之后之后我们点击CONTINUE已进入到关卡选择界面便可以开始下一关卡了。SoulCraft is the best free2play Action RPG. If you have been a hunter in enough dungeon crawlers, seen all the bloodglory, cleared the crime city, been a trader in the stars and feel like you have been a warrior for all eternity already fighting dragons, answer the call, fight for the torchlight of hope, do your duty and choose to be a legendary hero (or heroes of destiny if you will) in the action role playing game SoulCraft. Pick your gun bros (or sister) and put the order back into the world of chaos. Put the game in your pockets and you will always have arcane legends with you. Be the star in the dark, unleash your wild blood and fulfill your final fantasy ;)SoulCraft