RapGenius,国外音乐网站,音乐歌词百科全书,音乐,联合创始人 Ilan Zechory 认为现在大公司 / 企业 / 政府机构的文档协作还是很混乱的,总是将一份文档用 email 传来传去做修改和批注。
Rap Genius is a website dedicated to the explanation and interpretation of hip-hop music. The sites purpose is not to translate rap into nerdspeak, but rather to critique rap as poetry.[1] The site relies on user-generated content through a Wikipedia-like format of contribution, where contributors earn Rap IQ for interesting explanations. The site also includes a blog and a feature called the Rap Map. The site is updated regularly, with new songs added daily. Rap Genius uses Twitter and Facebook accounts to communicate with its users and fansRapGenius,音乐歌词,歌词百科,歌词全书,维基百科。