目前正在内测的Splice暂时还只能配合 Ableton 这样的音乐创作工具使用但 Splice 让音乐的修改变得有历史可寻
Splice 在作品发表之前用的是较为私密的环境。当你有合作者时每当合作者修改了项目此外
Splice 预计会以免费增值模式运营此外
到目前为止Splice 的初创团队包括了 GroupMe 的联合创始人 Steve Martocci
在我看来善用时间除了让每个版本都有迹可循如果 Splice 能做到第一点最近我报道的极智批改
Splice streamlines the fragmented process of creating and sharing music, freeing musicians to spend their time and energy on the creative process. Splice simplifies music creation by bringing all of the steps into one, frictionless digital home. The Splice community provides artists with a new means to connect with fans and other artists to solicit feedback throughout every step of the creative processfrom ideation to the finished product.在线音乐创作托管服务平台。