NaotThe YALEET experience is based on a proud and purposeful vision: we set exceptionally high, but realistic standards for ourselves and for our products, yet we dare to dream in colossal proportions. Our expectations for YALEET remain within proper and carefully analyzed boundaries, yet we yield to no one in our unstinting dedication to our most valuable asset: our clients.Our goals are clear and reachable. Our methods are time-tested and effective.
YALEET employees work as an extraordinary family. We respect the individuality each one brings to the workplace, while we acknowledge the need to collaborate towards a common goal. Loyalty and teamwork are primary bywords for those who value the safe, compassionate, supportive, and flexible environment of our organization. Still, YALEET employees are free to break barriers, to step beyond the ordinary, to share their knowledge, to experiment with new ideas, and to work to their fullest potential. We thrive in an atmosphere of trust and good humor, taking optimum pride in our personal productivity and in the larger concept that is YALEET.
In essence, YALEET is a leader and a pioneer.We understand the needs of those we serve, and we deal in the most important mindset of all: human comfort. We continue to grow, to change, to adapt, and to create.We form a pyramid of administrators, managers, supervisors, sales, people, store staff members, and consumers, - all of whom are lifeblood of our efforts. Together, we exemplify the best in comfort, and together we continue to perfect solutions and the trust that are YALEET.Naot美国,。
靓名尔以工薪价位,一流的品质,优良的服务体系和客户支持与服务体系全面抢滩中国市场I形象、CS顾客满意的两大工程,建立了ERP系统管理;把占领市场和构建名牌紧密联系在一起,不断构筑新的竞争优势,开拓新的营销空间,做到未雨绸缪。目前拥有先进的生产流水线12 条,年生产能力800万双,全国建立了60多家总,Naot官网现在巴布豆的足迹几乎踏遍了整个神州大地