Quizup,国外游戏网站,在线游戏问答社区,游戏,覆盖 300 多个主题,问题过 20 万。同其他问答对战类游戏不同的是,在 QuziUp 中你甚至可以找到《冰与火之歌》、《绝命毒师》等非常细分的主题。
QuizUp 累积的消息数量已经超过 1100 万条。目前仅支持iOS手机版。
Join over 4 million people who love and play QuizUp! Challenge your friends and connect with others around the globe in the largest real-time trivia game ever. Go head to head in over 150,000 questions and 280 topics ranging from your favorite TV shows and books to sports and music. With new topics being added all the time, QuizUp is sure to keep you entertained and test your knowledge for hours on end!Quizup,游戏社区,游戏互动,游戏交友,国外游戏交友。