SSwiftKey,手机网站,手机智能输入法开发平台,手机,因此,当用户输入文本、写电子邮件或写推文时,SwiftKey输入法会自动将收集到的内容用于纠正用户的拼写错误,预测用户输入等。我还记得当时SwiftKey公司发布了一个输入速度测试视频,测试结果显示SwiftKey输入法的输入速度比Android系统自带的输入法高42%。不过, SwiftKey对这个结果并不满意。
这样一来,只要用户的手指离开屏幕,用户所输入的内容就可以自动插入到相应的位置,而无需用户手动在候选项中选择词语。不过,用户仍然可以选择词语,并且这些词语是SwiftKey根据用户的输入习惯的自动预测的。另外,SwiftKey Flow将继续支持传统的多点触摸输入,也就是说,你可以根据需要在两种模式之间自由切换。
要知道,根据一个单一的手势来准确地预测出几个单词甚至整个句子,是一个非常复杂的挑战,我很高兴我们的团队实现了这一关键的突破。使用SwiftKey Flow手势输入,现在就这么简单,你的手指更不用离开手机屏幕。
Multi-word gesturing. Mid-word prediction. Beautiful ink.All powered by the worlds smartest prediction engine.
SwiftKey speeds up touchscreen typing because it understands the way words work together, predicting and correcting your input in a smarter way.
SwiftKey automatically learns the words and phrases that matter to you, intelligently auto-correcting and predicting based on your writing style. It can also learn your lingo by syncing with Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or your blog.
SwiftKey is used by millions of people around the globe. Our users have saved so many keystrokes while typing, they would stretch to the Moon if printed in 12pt font. Weve also won some of the most prestigious awards in the industry for our commitment to innovation.SSwiftKey,手机,智能输入法,开发,平台。