When you come to the welcome screen, ilys will ask you how many words youd like to write. Enter that number into the yellow textbox. When you click on big GO! button, youll be brought to a screen where youll see a big typing box. Thats the place youll be writing in.
Youll also see a word counter above it, an eye icon below it, as well as a progress bar at the bottom of the screen. By clicking on the eye, you can peek at what youre writing. Youll be unable to edit while peeking, or until you reach your word count goal. When you do that, youll see an orange arrow on the right side of the big typing box.
Clicking on this arrow will bring you to the edit screen where you can change your text. From the edit screen, you can click on the orange arrow on the left side of the screen to return to the big typing box and continue writing. Your work is being saved in the browser. If you close the browser and return to it, ilys will ask you if you want to continue where you left off. You can either continue, or start a new piece.创意思维,创意点子,创意收集,工作方式。