全球有超过4,600间零售店铺,50,000 个独立的零售商和加盟店。每天服务100,000,000位顾客。作为第一个把制鞋从手工业生产转变为工业化生产的先锋,BATA始终利用全新科学技术来提升产品的质量和舒适性,为全球的消费者提供高质量高价值的舒适鞋。
Bata在全球拥有四大研发中心(S.I.C),以适应国际化的市场需求,以意大利为主要研发基地,带领国际化的研发及设计团队,引领了Bata 产品的创新与研发,建立一套完整严格的质量监控体系,致力于为每一双脚找到一双合适的鞋子,其中四大功能更是其核心技术:AIR SYSTEM 透气系列;FLEXIBLE 超软系列;ACQUASTATICS 防静电系列;GEL FIT 减震系列。
Bata has been in the shoe-making industry for over 100 years now, proudly designing, manufacturing and retailing stylish shoes that serve a multitude of purposes.
Thousands of years ago, shoes were purely utilitarian; a rudimentary covering to protect the human foot. As time progressed, so did the function, form, and importance of the shoe. Todays shoes are asked to work harder than ever; not only must they protect the feet, they must do so while looking fashionable, feeling comfortable, and supporting a variety of activities.
This collection of popular shoe types will have you viewing footwear in an entirely new light.意大利,BaTa,商务,休闲,品牌。