外国人想要学中文可不是件容易的事情,来自台湾的薛晓岚(Shaolan)正在伦敦进行一个名为 Chineasy 的项目,带领他们认识汉字的美妙。图文汉字教学平台,,既然中文大多是象形文字,她索性把它们变成了图形,这样更容易理解和记忆。之后,就像拼积木一样,把简单的字符组成复杂的字,一一认识。
ChinEasy: It is evident that people are hungry to learn about China. People are keen to be able to communicate with the 1.3 billion people. Yet there is not much out there to enable them to do so. Whilst the entire Chinese population is learning English, it is time for us to really comprehend this complex economy and society with our own eyes and judgment. Knowing their language is the first baby step but a crucial one.