声力克English Information
In 2006, SONIC innovations released three compelling products to meet specific needs in the market.
Balance offers the best of both worlds by combining cutting-edge adaptive systems with proven digital hearing aid technology. The result is reliable performance and natural sound quality in a variety of listening environments.
Ion is the smallest, most powerful open ear hearing aid available. Ion is virtually invisible, yet so powerful your patients will wonder if theyre regained their hearing. Ion is also adaptable. Simply snap on our new standard ear hook and offer your patients Ion+, which has a fitting range unmatched by competitive micro BTEs. Patients are hooked the minute they experience Ion.
Natura Pro gives you all the features you expect, with the advancements of our latest technology. Natura Pro offers a wealth of features for price-conscious consumers.
SONIC innovations has become the fastest growing hearing aid company in the world. Through the development and use of the smallest single chip DSP platform ever installed in a hearing aid, we bring to the market small, comfortable and reliable hearing aids.
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Phone: (801) 365-2966
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Address: 2795 E. Cottonwood Parkway, Ste. 660 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 USA
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