CM ROM提供一些在官方Android系统或手机厂商没有提供的功能CyanogenMod 也是第一个使用 BFS 作工作管理的操作系统。
目前CM获得 B 轮融资 2300 万美元此轮资金将用来招兵买马以及在世界范围内铺建分发渠道。
CyanogenMod (pronounced sigh-AN-oh-jen-mod), is a customized, aftermarket firmware distribution for several Android devices (See above for supported deviceshow to install CyanogenMod on said devices).
Based on the Android Open Source Project, CyanogenMod is designed to increase performance and reliability over Android-based ROMs released by vendors and carriers such as Google, T-Mobile, HTC, etc. CyanogenMod also offers a variety of featuresenhancements that are not currently found in these versions of Android.CM安卓系统官网