现在该网站每月有接近500万独立访客虽然此前曾经有过一些类似的网站凭借着这种独特的思维模式当然不过The Daily Beast目前已经获得了一定的成功。该网站在其发布的第一个月
2010年11月12日《新闻周刊》(Newsweek magazine)与IAC旗下网站The Daily Beast 12日宣布合并两家公司业务《新闻周刊》老板西德尼哈曼(Sidney Harman)和IAC将分别持有新公司50%的股权。新公司名为The Newsweek Daily Beast Company
哈曼表示他还表示哈曼夏季从华盛顿邮报公司(Washington Post Co.)手中购得《新闻周刊》
Tina Brown是The Daily Beast的主编Brown表示两家公司的合并是《新闻周刊》的新闻深度和The Daily Beast在网络上实现的多样性之间的联姻。The Daily Beast的活力将为新闻周刊的复兴提供动力2011年05月31
The Daily Beast was founded in 2008 as the vision of Tina Brown and IAC Chairman Barry Diller. Curated to avoid information overload, the site is dedicated to breaking news and sharp commentary.
In 2011, The Daily Beast became the online home of Newsweek magazine, which has served as the worlds preeminent conversation starter since its founding in 1933. Tina Brown, former editor of Vanity Fair, The New Yorker and Talk, serves as editor-in-chief of both publications. The combined operation now regularly attracts over 18 million unique online visitors a month and the magazine reaches millions more through its tablet and international editions.美国新闻评论周刊。