你可能听过exquisite corpse的随机接龙画画游戏这个最新项目和先前的作品一样都使用了Google Chrome和HTML5来制作完成。
你可以通过观看持续不断的不同动画还可以直接把动画嵌入你的网站或者博客只需要进入灯箱视图(Lightbox view)
This Exquisite Forest is an online collaborative art project that lets users create short animations that build off one another as they explore a specific theme. The result is a collection of branching narratives resembling trees.
The project was conceived by Chris Milk and Aaron Koblin, and produced by Google and Tate. It makes extensive use of Google Chromes HTML5 and javascript support, as well as Google App Engine and Google Cloud Storage.
A physical installation is located in the collection galleries on Level 3 at Tate Modern, and will be open for approximately one year beginning on July 23, 2012.创意树动画制作平台。