Lectrio is the next-generation online learning environment.From small classrooms to online colleges.Lectrio is great to keep students up-to date with timetables, lectures, assignments, QA and many more. Use it for FREE in your classroom.
Lectrio is an E-Learning environment that enables anyone to host courses, and share course materials with every student.Forget about downloading, paying licensing fees and updating software. Lectrio is 100% cloud-based. Everything is maintained by out technical team and you get updated automatically. Your data is securely stored and backed up everyday.
Lectrio can be accessed from any device. Layout automatically scales to optimize the learning experience. Easily view and create your course materials on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Use Lectrio as a LMS for your school. It is cloud-based, easy-to-use, and could be branded to your school. The setup only takes 5 minutes.With Lectrio, it is easy to distribute materials to students around the world. Build your web-academy and run courses with thousands of students.免费在线云教育协作平台。