飞驰游艇官网,www.speedomarine.com游艇公司常年备有各种品牌、多款游艇现货供客户参观、试驾,专业的精神和热情的服务博得客户一致好评,公司也以此不断创造业务佳绩,荣膺2004年BRUNSWICK ASIA PACIFIC GROUP最佳游艇销售商奖;2005年REGAL BOATS 最佳代理商奖。 公司总部设立于广东省深圳市,在大连、上海、青岛等多个国内沿海城市设有代表处,与多个国内大型游艇俱乐部建立了合作关系,随时可向全国各地的客户提供最新的船艇资讯和专业建议;完善的客户服务体系,保障了售前售后的各个环节,船艇运输调试、维护保养、整修翻新、驾艇培训等,由多名业内精英组成的公司团队皆能在最快的时间内以最专业规范、最周到热情的服务解除客户购买游艇的一切后顾之忧,是国内为数不多的能真正与客户建立良好互动的游艇销售代理公司之一。↘Speedo Marine is a company specialized in yacht and boat industry. We have years of solid experience in marine engines and boats market with professional team to provide integrated and professional sales and after sales services including maintenance, maritime training and water sports activities.↘We have established partnership with Brunswick Group which is a world famous leisure product manufacturer and owns following yacht and boat brands:Sea Ray,Bayliner,Maxum,Boston Whaler,Trophy,Meridian,Baja etc., Apart from these brands, Speedo Marine is also authorized dealers for following brands from other famous manufacturer: Regal,Sun Tracker etc..In order to meet the consumptive demand with high income group in China,we fetched in AICON and ITAMA not long ago. Both of them are the best top-class luxurious yacht brands in the world.↘We have a number of boats from various brands for viewing and test drive.Due to our professionalism and reputations, our business had grown rapidly and won the Brunswick Asia Pacific Group best distributor award in 2004 and Regal Boats best agent award in 2005.↘Our Headquarter is located in Shenzhen of Guangdong Province and with representative offices in various coastal cities including Dalian, Shanghai, Qingdao etc. We have also established partnerships with yacht clubs all over China to provide them latest trends and information in the yacht and boat market.We are one of the few companies able to provide a system of integrated service to our customers. Our customers can be assured of the top class services and advices starting from boat selection, delivery, commissioning, maintenance, and training etc. Our team will provide timely and professional service to our customers so that they can enjoy their boat without worrying after sales issues.↘
公司与全球著名的休闲产品生产商——宾士域集团有着多年的合作关系,授权销售其旗下多种品牌游艇: SEA RAY (豪华游艇) , BAYLINER (豪华游艇), MAXUM(豪华游艇),BOSTON WHALER(工作艇),TROPHY(钓鱼艇),MERIDIAN(大型游艇),BAJA(运动艇)等。同时公司还代理销售REGAL (豪华游艇), SUN TRACKER (内湖观光艇 ) ,MYACHT (房艇)等其他知名品牌游艇。为满足更高档次的市场需求,公司新近代理了国际顶级豪华游艇品牌AICON和ITAMA